What is Aeronautics?

What is Aeronautics?

Aeronautics is the science of flight. Scientists and engineers who study aeronautics learn about how and why airplanes fly. Using what they learn, they can design better, safer, and cheaper-to-build airplanes. To understand how NASA scientists and engineers begin this big job, we need to first learn how an airplane flies. Then we can answer a few other questions including:
  •  What forces act on an airplane?
  •  Can I see any of this myself when I'm flying on an airplane?
  •  What are the different types of airplanes?
  •  By the way, do birds fly the same way airplanes do?
  •  Why does NASA study aeronautics?
  •  Where else on the Internet can I learn about aeronautics?
  •  An Aeronautics Glossary

   When we are done here, we can jump into learning what tools are used to design an airplane.

   For any query comment your question here and for contect me mail me at faiyazpatel555@gmail.com.

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